Zum Werk

My work highlights figures and people. The relationship between  people is a central theme as well as to the society and the ruling structures. The works concretize the encounter of individuality and structure of emotions, manipulation and emancipation. Format, screen, colored overlays and symbolic forms are essential features of the image statement. The figures and the figures sybolizing forms  are bent by there own relation one to each other and by the areas surrounding them. They are shaped, determined  and also deformed. They stand in a voltage to the edges of the picture which participate in them. The images are often closely related to themselves or to the women themselves. The area surrounding the figures, however, meens the complex social structures with their barriers, boundaries and open spaces. Most of the time I describe in my work my own feelings and situation. With my “interaktiv installed paintings” I want to get out the visitor from observation and give them the posibility to feel and be a part of the work.

Kunst schaffen heisst sich auf eine Spurensuche nach dem Wesen des Menschen und den Strukturen der Gesellschaft zu begeben.
Creating art is to look for clues OF human nature and the structures of society.

In this sense I use different ways to be on mind with art. One way is to do works by my own. Another way is to try to talk about art and bring people closer to art. I´m convinced that everyone has his own possibilities of visual communications but we are often discourage mostly in school to find our way.  A Further way to engage for art is to give artists a platform and chances the dealing with art in our region, which we try with the association KIAM.  Although I try to organize and curate exhibitions in a way that people are able to engage actively with art. One important thing is to expose the own position of discussion especially with young people to evolve the own work and worldview. In this context it seems important to part of a team writing a schoolbook which looks beyond the borders of the own subject and tries to connect music, visual art and other subjects.